
Ask a question to our experts!

The main aim of the UMBRELLA 2.0 event on 27.04 is to inspire and raise awareness on the importance of cross-border and transnational cooperation for all local actors – including the smaller ones and those who never took part in any international collaboration before.

We have invited experts coming from: Council of the Baltic Sea States, EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, Euroregion Baltic, Union of the Baltic Cities, Baltic Sea States Subregional Cooperation, local NGOs and municipalities from different Baltic Sea countries to ask them for their best practices, advice and inspiration.

We will have experts answering your questions LIVE during the event.

Send your questions to us now, and we will ask the most suitable expert to answer them.

Type your question here: https://forms.gle/WukYrjhBUWevmNUVA

Umbrella 2.0 Partners – Euroregion Baltic, Union of the Baltic and the Baltic Sea States Subregional Cooperation are glad to present the draft agenda for the Awareness Raising Event promoting Baltic Sea cooperation scheduled for 27th April.

The main aim of our event is to inspire and raise awareness on the importance of cross-border and transnational cooperation for all local actors – including the smaller ones and those, who never took part in any international cooperation before. We wish to show you the great benefits of working together with similar actors all around the Baltic Sea but also guide you on how to start this kind of initiatives. We have prepared the event’s agenda that will inform you how our 3 organisations – ERB, UBC, BSSSC could support you in your journey, what are the possibilities and “entry points” available.

We have invited experts coming from: Council of the Baltic Sea States, EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, local NGOs and municipalities from different Baltic Sea countries to ask them for their best practices, advice and inspiration. We also plan a Q&A session with our experts, where you will be able to learn more about the cooperation possibilities and find necessary information for your future collaboration.

Please see the draft agenda for the event below. We hope you will find it interesting and will join us in our journey that starts n 27th April and will continue in the next months’ thanks to the support we received from the Swedish Institute. We plan to follow up this meeting by organising smaller events (hopefully they will be also possible in physical format!) related to specific cooperation topics and EU/BSR policies and agendas.

You can register for the event here:

And download the agenda here:

Umbrella 2.0 launches its first event to raise awareness on the current “hot topics in the Baltic Sea Region”. Today we hear a lot about sustainability and it may seem a difficult topic, getting lost in EU policies and strategies, or seen as something the “big” are responsible for, like the United Nations and their Sustainable Development Goals. However, every day, many small actors from civil society perform activities that contribute to the achievement of overarching goals. It may seem not relevant, but even the ocean is made by drops. 

Umbrella 2.0 would like to invite and inspire local actors from civil society and the public sphere to undertake actions that can contribute to important sustainable goals. We need to go all in the same direction, together. Therefore, we have invited representatives of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, besides NGOs, to get to know each other and discuss together. 

Are you curious? Would you like to know how to get engaged and/ or to start a learning process, involving your staff?  

Take part in our online event, get inspired by other organizations like yours and let us guide you! 

Register here: http://bit.ly/Umbrella2Event

Thanks to the support of the Swedish Institute, Umbrella 2.0 project partners – Euroregion Baltic, Union of the Baltic Cities and BSSSC are planning to organise in 2021 a couple of events targeting the “newcomers” and bottom-up actors in the Baltic Sea Region. Due to the COVID19 pandemic, we cannot offer any physical networking meeting (yet!), but we plan to organise a full-day digital event – Awareness Raising Event on 27 April 2021!

Mark the date in your calendar and if you would like to receive further information, including the link to the registration form (once we start collecting it), just sign up here – http://bit.ly/UmbrellaBSR by sending us your info we will keep you in the loop and informed about all important activities within the project.

Our goal is to increase the knowledge on BSR cooperation of small and local actors and to make sure that they see the benefits of international cooperation within the EUSBSR, but also in the frameworks of UN SDGs and EU Green Deal.

It is now time to mark this date in your calendars and contact us for possible travel support to join the SIA4Y project team for our final conference! We will meet for a full-day event in Gdansk, Poland on 28th April 2020. Our conference venue is the European Solidarity Centre. 

We are currently looking for youth participants to take part in the youth conference on Freedom of Information and transparency needs in the EU. Our Europe for Citizens co-funded project called „Strengthening civil society rights by Information Access for European Youth (http://civicyouth.eu) – SIA4Y will have its final event on 28th April in Gdańsk, Poland.  The project organized a series of mirroring events “Access to public information from the youth perspective” in each partner country (Poland, Estonia, Finnland and Belgium), and we’re now organizing the final conference to summarize our efforts and activities.

Our event will count ca.100 participants from different European countries (i.e. already confirmed youth from Sweden, Denmark, Latvia, Poland, Finland, Estonia and Belgium). Our target group will be mainly young people ageing between 18 and 28 years old. The main objective of the event will be to inform and train the participants in the use of the right of access to public information, including practical training on socially responsible relationships and participatory budgeting knowledge for youth. We have now confirmed speakers from AccessInfo www.accessinfo.org who run the AskTheEU platform, as well as from Team Europe- official European Commission advisors.

Please see the draft fo the agenda here: SIA4Y Final conference agenda 28_04.2020 (draft Feb2020)

Registration is now open: https://forms.gle/ftb8sUXXtRAvmWXU7

If you want us to cover your travel and/or accommodation cost you need to contact the Project Coordinator, Magda until 20th Match 2020 the latest at magda.rzucidlo@euroregionabltic.eu

Dear friends of the Baltic Sea Region,

The successful collaboration between organizations and people in the Baltic Sea Region requires broadest possible mobilization and participation of stakeholders in all respective countries. European Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) requires strong bottom-up participation and a sense of “ownership” by various stakeholders. This applies to both policy shaping and practical implementation.

The participation of citizens and organizations at all governance levels, across sectors and across all borders is a prerequisite for the positive development of cooperation within the EU and an important part of the EU’s cohesion policy. Like previous years, even this year´s Participation Day is arranged In connection with the Annual Forum.

The Participation Day is an important opportunity for new stakeholders to get in touch with the cooperation within the EU and to meet colleagues who already have experience of EU cooperation in the Baltic Sea region.

Participation Day is a kind of marketplace where stakeholders can present their ideas, get feedback and guidance from the policy community enabling new stakeholders to participate in the implementation of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. Our aim is to reduce the step into the Strategy, making our guiding principle with multi-level governance and cross-sectorial cooperation a reality. We invite representatives of EUSBSR stakeholders, such as local and regional authorities, civil society organisations, academia, business and media, to the Participation Day in Gdansk.


This year’s Participation Day focuses on four thematic areas

• Innovations for a circular and socially coherent economy

• Urban mobility – smart and sustainable

• Antimicrobial resistance and pharmaceuticals in the Baltic Sea Region environment

• Competence supply.

The UMBRELLA project team and HA Capacity as the organisers will do their best to ensure that as many different organisations/networks as possible can attend and present their proposals and views. You are therefore also invited to present in advance short, concise and concrete project proposals, concepts or ideas about the themes of the Participation Day.

Come and join us on 11th June in Gdańsk!

ERRIN and Inova+ are supporting ESPON in organising a series of transnational outreach events across Europe between 2017-2019. Two events will take place in October in the Baltic area that may be of interest to you!

On October 2nd 2018 in Växjö, the seminar will examine Economic development in rural regions – new thinking and policies in finding and exploiting endogenous capacities (Visit the link https://www.espon.eu/vaxjo)

This seminar (in English) will examine the challenges of Kronoberg County and then call on rural development experts to outline recent thinking in stimulating rural economic development. Experts from Nordic countries will comment on the Swedish challenges and compare with their own challenges and thinking. ESPON projects on Shrinking rural regions in Europe, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in European Regions and Cities and the World in Europe (FDI flows) will also be presented.

On October 16th 2018 in Tallinn, the workshop will examine New challenges and thinking for spatial planning systems (Visit the following link: https://www.espon.eu/tallinn)

This workshop (English/Estonian) will examine current issues in the spatial planning systems using Estonia and other Nordic and EU countries as case studies.

The workshop will gather input from ESPON projects such as COMPASS – Comparative Analysis of Territorial Governance and Spatial Planning Systems in Europe, RESSI – Regional strategies for sustainable and inclusive territorial development, and SPIMA – Spatial Dynamics and Strategic Planning in Metropolitan Areas as well as a recent ESPON Policy Brief ‘Indicators for integrated territorial and urban development’.

Both events are free and open to all. They provide access to experts in their field and ESPON research and illustrate how this research can be of use to a wide set of policy makers, academics, spatial planners, regional development experts, politicians and those just interested in the topic. Interactive participation is encouraged and a final session concludes each event with recommendations for future policy.


Save the date ESPON Vaxjo 2nd Oct 2018

Save the date ESPON Tallinn 16th Oct

Uppsala (Sweden) is going to host the 16th Baltic Sea NGO Forum, an important occasion if your organization is an NGO wishing to gain new knowledge and to transfer it to the civil society. (more…)

On November 2-3, 2017 in Turku, for the 10th time in a row, the Baltic Sea Tourism Forum gathers tourism stakeholders from the Baltic Sea Region. The registration will be available until October 23 at http://www.balticseatourism.net/.

Dedicated to ‘The Future of Baltic Sea Tourism’ as the principal theme, the 10th BSTF will provide participants with a mix of policy issues and several practical approaches for peer learning and exchange, keynotes regarding trends in tourism and a discussion over the future of Destination Marketing Organisations which will be complemented by case-studies, good practices and seminars.

A special focus will be given to future and trend topics like digitalization, tourism financing, funding, education, transnational cooperation with 150 delegates expected to take part to the forum. Therefore, in the light of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, sustainability will become an integrated part of the entire forum as the BSTF continues its commitment to both strengthening sustainable development and promoting a sustainable tourism in the Baltic Sea region.

The forum will offer the possibility for projects and initiatives to showcase their ideas of transnational and cross-border initiatives with a view to boost the visibility of existing sustainable approaches of international cooperation. The Tourism Networking Village and a session for project pitching will offer further opportunities to increase awareness in the respective fields of sustainable cooperation among countries and regions.

The cultural programme of the 10th anniversary will also provide space for exchange combined with unique experiences for guests and participants of the Forum. The “Renaissance Banquet” in Turku castle and a guided tour through the Finnish history on the banks of Aurajoki River will deliver insights into the distant and more recent past of the city of Turku in an exceptional atmosphere and surrounding.

The 2017 Interreg South Baltic Programme Annual Event will be dedicated to the development of green tech in the South Baltic area. The event will take place in Roskilde, Denmark on 12th September 2017. (more…)

The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the Managing Authority or the Joint Secretariat of the South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The project UMBRELLA is partly financed from the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund.