Västervik – Utilisation of stormwater with the aid of “multi-dams”

Västervik in Sweden

At the centre of the pilot project in the Gamleby district of the municipality of Västervik in Sweden, is a large multi-purpose pond that collects surface runoff from a catchment area of 80 hectares. This prevents flooding and provides water for various uses in the surrounding area, including the irrigation of football fields, plantations in the city centre and the production of artificial snow for cross-country ski trails. Caring for the pond’s ecology encourages natural purification processes, allowing the water to be drawn from the ponds for direct use.

The construction of further next-generation multi-purpose ponds is in planning. Water treatment is being considered for these ponds to enable, for example, small businesses to clean machines or company cars, housing companies to irrigate plantations and cemeteries to have water for irrigation. The project aims to create ecological added value not only by saving groundwater, but also by promoting biodiversity and reducing nutrients, among other things.

  • Location: Västervik (Sweden)
  • Water source: Stormwater storage in “multi-dams”
  • Type of treatment: Natural purification process in the pond ecosystem
  • Target water quality: Water class D (EU Regulation 2020/741)
  • Utilisation: Irrigation of football fields and other green spaces, production of artificial snow for cross-country ski trails, water for cleaning in small business applications
  • Return to natural cycle: Infiltration and discharge into the natural system and stormwater system
  • Responsible: Västervik Municipality
  • Open for visitors: August 2023

Contacts for further information:

Anders Fröberg+46 10 355 48 05

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The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the Managing Authority or the Joint Secretariat of the South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The project UMBRELLA is partly financed from the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund.