On 9th December 2022, following the Annual Forum of ERB Stakeholders held in Olsztyn, the Euroregion Baltic Executive Board members met for the last time in 2022 to conclude the passing year, under the presidency of Warmia and Masuria Region. The meeting was hosted by ERB President, Mr Gustaw Marek Brzezin, Marshal of Warmia nad Masuria Region.

The Board discussed the ERB goals and activities implemented in 2022, future activities and steps planned for 2023 and above all, the future structure and further form of cooperation of the network.
The culmination of the two days meeting in Olsztyn, was the invitation from ERB President Mr Gustaw Marek Brzezin to the Baltic edition of a gala celebrating international cooperation of Warmia & Masuria Region.The meeting, organized in Kuźnia Społeczna in Olsztyn, started with the welcoming speeches from Marshal Brzezin & Mr Jacob Trøst, Mayor of Regional Municipality of Bornholm and ERB Vice President.
The highlight of the evening was the concert perfomed by artists from Bornholm – Helene Holm Nielsen & Torsten Borbye Nielsen, presenting some traditional Danish music.
It was a truly Baltic evening with great music from Bornholm & delicacies from around the Baltic Sea Region.