Veronika Solobai with Mateusz Kryżba and Sebastian Magier after an introductory meeting at ERB International Secretariat.
Based on the decision of the ERB Executive Board adopted during its meeting in Gdańsk on 29th October 2014, the work of the ERB Youth Board will from now on be supported by a new EVS volunteer working within the European Association for Education and Development ‘Pionier’ in Olsztyn.
Ms Veronika Solobai is a graduate of marketing and economics at the Belarusian State Economic University in Minsk. Having recently completed her studies, she already has three years’ professional experience in sales and marketing working for a private company in Minsk. As of September this year Veronika is working as an EVS volunteer at the Pionier Association within the project entitled „Volunteering – a way to the unforgettable adventure”. Being busy with her duties at the Association, she will still dedicate some of her working time to supporting youth cooperation in Euroregion Baltic and by doing so she will have a chance to receive valuable experience in the area of cross-border cooperation.