Interact has just released a paper entitled “Coordination and cooperation: how?” – Levels of coor_coop_October 2017. The paper is a further step to address inter-programme capacity and how to develop coordination and cooperation. Indeed, the ongoing process of providing programme staff with knowledge and skills aims at enhancing the ability to coordinate and cooperate with other funding sources.
Presenting examples of coordination plans and experiences across projects, the paper mentions CaSYPoT project. Indeed, partners involved in the project expressed their interest to coordinate and cooperate further with GaYA project, funded under Interreg Alpine Space Programme. As both projects address the same challenges – low youth involvement in policy-making and how the local and regional authorities can work to develop tools improving the situation for young people – results to be achieved in both projects are complementary. During their first meeting, partners discussed the thematic overlap and the potential for sharing best practices. The conference in SÅ‚upsk, Poland in December 2017 will be the chance to further coordination and cooperation among these projects as well as to develop joint solutions.