Baltic Stories- the first digital magazine about the EUSBSR is out!
As a partner of Let’s Communicate! project, ‘Pomorskie in the EU’ Association has been part of the communication of the European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region for several years now.
Their latest publication is “Baltic stories”, a digital magazine, devoted to promoting the cooperation around the Baltic Sea, joint initiatives and flagship projects of the European Union Strategy of the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR). You can see the contribution from Julia Orluk, Chairwoman of the Euroregion baltic Youth Board, but also Magda Leszczyna-Rzucidło, Head of the ERB International Permanent Secretariat.
Get the full version of the Baltic Stories magazine:
On 10th June 2020, Ms Magda Leszczyna-Rzucidło, Head of the ERB IPS, took part in the BSSSC online Board meeting. She presented shortly the latest ERB policy paper on the Future of the South Baltic Programme with the special attention to the capacity building initiatives for the small and local actors. She also introduced the BSSSSC Board members to the series of Umbrella project webinars being organized on ZOOM platform.
BSSSC Chairman, Mr Mieczysław Struk, Marshal of Pomorskie Region and BSSSC Secretary-General, Ms Krystyna Wróblewska
BSSSC Board meeting Draft Agenda
1. Opening of the Board
1.1. Opening of the meeting – Mr. Mieczysław Struk, BSSSC Chairman
1.3. Adoption of the agenda
1.4. Adoption of the minutes from the Board Meeting in Brussels,
February 18th, 2020
2. BSSSC Annual
3.1. Digital BSSSC AC 2020 – Information from the hosts
3.2. Discussion on the shape of the conference in relation to Covid-19
3.3. Discussion on experts to be involved
3. Covid-19 pandemic –
status in BSSSC regions
4. Youth involvement and
4.1. Report from Youth Coordinator – Mr. Christopher Lucht
4.2. Status regarding the Baltic Sea Youth Platform BSYP
4.3. Baltic Youth Camp 2020 – online edition
4.4. Report from the BSSSC Spring Youth Event – Ms. Krystyna Wróblewska
4.5. Other EU youth-oriented initiatives
5. Interreg BSR 2021-2027
Report from Mr. Matti Lipsanen, Häme
6. MFF and Cohesion
Update from Rapporteur – Mr. Reiner Kneifel-Haverkamp, Brandenburg
7. EUSBSR revision of the Action Plan
7.1 Information on state of affairs – Ms. Marta Czarnecka-Gallas,
7.2. EUSBSR Annual Forum in Turku – BSSSC workshop
8. Transport
Information from Rapporteur – Mr. Jon Halvard Eide, Adger
9. Culture
Update from Rapporteur – Mr. Stefan Musiolik, Schleswig-Holstein
10. Report from Brussels
Antenna Ms. Anna Drążek, Director of the Pomorskie
Regional EU Office
10.1 How the EU reacts to Coronavirus pandemic
11. BSSSC communication
activities report
12. Reports from other
BSR organizations
12.1. Euroregion Baltic – Ms. Magda Magda Leszczyna-Rzucidło, Head of
ERB International Permanent Secretariat
12.2. Union of Baltic Cities – Mr. Paweł Żaboklicki, Secretary General, Union
of the Baltic Cities Secretariat
13. Next Board meeting:
14. Upcoming events
14.1. The Online
edition of the Baltic Sea youth Camp – June 12-13, 2020
15. Any other business
It is our pleasure to announce that the International Permanent Secretariat of Euroregion Baltic in Elbląg has acquired an experienced Project Manager to boost its working and project implementation capacity. As of 1st August 2016 Ms Agata Ludwiczak has taken the position of the Deputy Head of International Secretariat responsible for the implementation of the CASYPOT (Capacity Building for Strategic Youth Policy and Transnational Cooperation) project, a new ERB strategic project dedicated to the development of youth policies in the cooperation area.
A graduate of philosophy and international trade at the Universities of Poznań and Gdańsk, Ms Ludwiczak has several years of experience in initiation and management of cross-border project implemented within the South Baltic Programme 2007-2013 and the Lithuania-Poland-Russia Programme 2007-2013. She also has significant experience in working on promotion and dissemination of information within the projects. In addition, she has been working as an independent consultant on preparation of project proposals to various programmes in the area of social policy, culture and entrepreneurship development. Finally, it is also worth mentioning that Ms Ludwiczak is now finalising her PhD studies at the University of Gdańsk with a thesis focusing directly on the implementation of the people-to-people projects within the first edition of the South Baltic CBC Programme 2007-2013.
Please follow this link for Ms Ludwiczak’s contact data.