
ERB & Umbrella attending the workshop for future South Baltic Programme applicants

On 11th December we have participated in the Workshop on future Pomeranian initiatives in the Interreg South Baltic 2020+ Programme organized by the Pomorskie Region contact point and Joint Secretariat.

The workshop was an opportunity to discuss the needs of beneficiaries that can be implemented in the future South Baltic 2020+ program, and their readiness to engage in new EU projects. We also had a chance to present complete UMBRELLA project offer and invite the interested stakeholders and newcomers to reach us and use our project offer.

The workshops were conducted modularly, i.e. a plenary session and a workshop part led by experienced experts. It was also an opportunity to exchange experiences and share your own thoughts on the shape of the future program, improvements in the implementation system and the scope of future projects.

We are happy to report that one of our ERB projects, where we act as a Partner – Interconnect was mentioned a few times as the “best practice” example. The #Interconnect project was noted by the moderator, Mr Adam Mikłajczyk from Pomorskie Marshal Office as an extremely creative example of a project, where intelligent use of the Interreg South Baltic Programme funds supports the implementation of the project’s main assumptions. 

For more information on workshops and the presentations from the South Baltic Programme, visit ewt.pomorskie.eu

Program of the meeting

08:00 – 08:30

Registration of meeting participants/coffee break

08:30 – 09:15

Opening of the event – Adam Mikołajczyk Director of DRRP UMWP

Summary of the Interreg South Baltic Program 2014-2020 – Dominika Butkiewicz Head of the Joint Technical Secretariat

Presentation of Umbrella project results – Magda Leszczyna – Rzucidło Head of the Euroregion Baltic Secretariat

09:15 – 09:30

Coffee break

09:30 – 14:30

Workshop part – moderators:

Workshop 1 – Joanna Przedrzymirska
Workshop 2 – Robert Mazurkiewicz
Workshop 3 – Jakub Fedorowicz
11:30 – 11:45 Coffee break
13:00 – 13:15 Coffee break
14:30 – 15:25

Workshop summary

15:25 – 15:55


We encourage you to check our presentation regarding the UMBRELLA project!

The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the Managing Authority or the Joint Secretariat of the South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The project UMBRELLA is partly financed from the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund.