JOIN US TO INNOVATE THE FUTURE IN BLUE INNOVATION! 19 January 2022 – SAVE THE DATE! We host an interactive seminar aiming to find possible collaboration partners with organisations, companies and other stakeholders. We would like to present Blekinge as a platform and a living lab for creating innovative solutions to restore the world’s oceans […]
>We are happy to announce that the Interconnect project Final Conference on “Future of Public Transport – Trends, Tools, Governance” will be held online, on 1st October 2020. Please feel free to share the information among all your interested stakeholders and don’t forget to save the date! You can download the invitation and full agenda […]
>On 24-25 of September the 4th South Baltic Programme Annual Event will take place in Ostróda, a city located in the western part of the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship in Poland. This year, the annual meeting will be dedicated to sharing experiences and learning from each other about important issues reaching the final stage of projects’ implementation. […]
>Please use this link to register: The main topic of this year’s Forum is Circular and sharing economy as an answer to demographic changes and environmental challenges in the Baltic Sea Region. The programme for the two-day event includes 19 seminars on a wide range of topics that support the thematic focus of the Forum. During […]
>Dear friends of the Baltic Sea Region, The successful collaboration between organizations and people in the Baltic Sea Region requires broadest possible mobilization and participation of stakeholders in all respective countries. European Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) requires strong bottom-up participation and a sense of “ownership” by various stakeholders. This applies to both […]
>Uppsala (Sweden) is going to host the 16th Baltic Sea NGO Forum, an important occasion if your organization is an NGO wishing to gain new knowledge and to transfer it to the civil society.
>On November 17, 2017 the transnational seminar entitled “New thinking on territorial governance – with special focus on Baltic States” will take place at the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania in Vilnius.
>The partners of the Interreg South Baltic project “CATCH – Coastal Angling Tourism – a development chance for the South Baltic Region” wish to invite you to take part in the Mid-Term Conference “The Future of Sustainable Coastal Angling Tourism”, on 8 November 2017, in Peenemünde (Germany). The conference will be a good opportunity for […]
>If you’re aged between 20 and 30 years old, studying to become a teacher and interested in history and regional cooperation in the Baltic Sea area, do not miss this opportunity to expand your knowledge and meet people from the Baltic Sea Region. On November 20-26 October in Helsinki (4 days) and St. Petersburg (3 […]
>In order to support the capitalisation of the projects’ results, Interreg Baltic Sea Region is launching a new funding instrument called “project platform”. The main target groups for project platforms are partners from the Interreg Baltic Sea Region programme and other EU funding programmes. It involves cooperation with other stakeholders in a given thematic field beyond partnerships, for […]