BSYP aims at empowering youth and fostering real participation in decision and policy-making in the Baltic Sea Region. The BSYP will enable youth organisations to reach their fullest potential by empowering them to develop new ideas and pursue them jointly, under the guidance of the 2030 Agenda framework. The platform will engage youth at different […]
>If you’re interested in expanding your team with skilful and motivated trainees, do not miss this opportunity to engage international students able to add value to your organisation. “European Universities for EU projects” awards students from several European Universities with scholarships for internships focusing on EU projects’ development. Trainees with different academic backgrounds – i.e. International […]
>Two Erasmus + projects, submitted by ERB partners in Sweden and Denmark have just been approved: Youth 3.0 and Youth 4.0. They are two of the four ambitious projects submitted last April by a partnership of four organizations in Sweden, Denmark, Poland and Lithuania. The leadership is foreseen for Europe Direct Bornholm for Youth 3.0, […]
>On 12-13th June 2017, young Baltic Leaders from the Warmia-Mazury Region and the ERB Youth Board took part in the conference ‘Nothing about us without us!’, organised by the three pan-Baltic organisations UBC (Union of the Baltic Cities), BSSSC (Baltic Sea States Subregional Cooperation) and ERB (Euroregion Baltic).
>The transnational meeting between young people and decision-makers in the youth field will be held in Rome, in October 2017. It is organized by SOS EUROPA, a non-profit independent association of social promotion based in Italy (Rome), that was established to spread out the European cultural values and with the scope to improve the integration […]
>Maria F. Kjaergaard – Chair of the Youth Board, Bornholm, Denmark Mateusz Kryżba – Vice-Chair of the Youth Board, Warmińsko-Mazurskie Region, Poland Mateusz Ankiewicz – Warmińsko-Mazurskie Region, Poland (Deputy) Brigita Barkauskaitė – Association Klaipeda Region, Lithuania (Deputy) Ahmed Said Benatallah – Kalmar, Sweden (Deputy) Karl Holst – Kalmar, Sweden Maksymilian Lewandowski – Association of Polish Communes Thea H. Olsen – Bornholm, Denmark […]