
ESPON Transnational Outreach events in the Baltic Area in October 2018

ERRIN and Inova+ are supporting ESPON in organising a series of transnational outreach events across Europe between 2017-2019. Two events will take place in October in the Baltic area that may be of interest to you!

On October 2nd 2018 in Växjö, the seminar will examine Economic development in rural regions – new thinking and policies in finding and exploiting endogenous capacities (Visit the link https://www.espon.eu/vaxjo)

This seminar (in English) will examine the challenges of Kronoberg County and then call on rural development experts to outline recent thinking in stimulating rural economic development. Experts from Nordic countries will comment on the Swedish challenges and compare with their own challenges and thinking. ESPON projects on Shrinking rural regions in Europe, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in European Regions and Cities and the World in Europe (FDI flows) will also be presented.

On October 16th 2018 in Tallinn, the workshop will examine New challenges and thinking for spatial planning systems (Visit the following link: https://www.espon.eu/tallinn)

This workshop (English/Estonian) will examine current issues in the spatial planning systems using Estonia and other Nordic and EU countries as case studies.

The workshop will gather input from ESPON projects such as COMPASS – Comparative Analysis of Territorial Governance and Spatial Planning Systems in Europe, RESSI – Regional strategies for sustainable and inclusive territorial development, and SPIMA – Spatial Dynamics and Strategic Planning in Metropolitan Areas as well as a recent ESPON Policy Brief ‘Indicators for integrated territorial and urban development’.

Both events are free and open to all. They provide access to experts in their field and ESPON research and illustrate how this research can be of use to a wide set of policy makers, academics, spatial planners, regional development experts, politicians and those just interested in the topic. Interactive participation is encouraged and a final session concludes each event with recommendations for future policy.


Save the date ESPON Vaxjo 2nd Oct 2018

Save the date ESPON Tallinn 16th Oct

If you’re a young European aged between 18-30 years old wishing to have an opportunity as a volunteer abroad the IVY – Interreg Voluntary Youth could be a unique solution. The initiative, part of the European Solidarity Corps, aims at involving young volunteers to support, promote and report achievements of Interreg programmes and projects. It will also make them aware of the many benefits of collaboration among EU internal borders as well as enhance their sense of European solidarity, citizenship and civic engagement.

Among several offers currently available on IVY website, there are two involving Baltic countries such as Germany and Estonia.

As of Germany, the volunteer will help with the implementation of the project “Baltic Blue Growth” as an Interreg Project Partner at the German Coastal Union in Rostock . During the project, the volunteer will learn how human activities affect the environment, how stakeholder groups are formed, how a project like Baltic Blue Growth can be used to share knowledge among Baltic Sea neighbouring countries and improve transnational cooperation. Therefore the volunteer will also participate in project-related events and communication activities. During the project which is expected to last 6 months starting from October – deadline ASAP – the volunteer will receive a financial support of 22 euros per day. 

As of Estonia, the volunteer will contribute to the visibility of the project “SCULT World Sport Volunteers Movement” in Tallin. As an Interreg Project Partner, the volunteer will help to formulate the communication plan working hand in hand with the events team in the preparation of activities and events. The project will last for 6 months starting from September and the volunteer will receive 21 euros per day.


The Mid-Term Conference “The Future of Sustainable Coastal Angling Tourism”, foreseen on 8th November 2017, is one-day meeting organized by the partners of CATCH project – Coastal Angling Tourism. The event, that will take place in Peenemünde (Germany), will be a good exchange occasion to discuss among good practices and benefits related to sustainable angling tourism. Networking with experts from research, practice and politics will be also a chance for a common marketing of the region.
Here you can find the program and practical information about the conference:

1_CATCH_Mid-term Conference_Programme

2_CATCH_Mid-term Conference_Practical Information


Visit the website: http://catch-southbaltic.eu/

Registration is open at this link until 25th October 2017

The BSSSC Youth Event 2017 is a series of three participatory workshops that will take place in Trebnitz (Germany) during the 25th BSSSC Annual Conference in Potsdam (20-22 September 2017) The topics that will be tackled will concern the Baltic Togetherness, Cultural Heritage and Baltic Action Plan 2030.
The event is open to everybody. However, participants will have the possibility to participate as representatives of the BSSSC’s member countries.
You can find practical information here:

Invitation YE BSSSC 2017

Practical Information BSSSC YE 2017

BSSSC Youth Policy

Registration must be submitted by 28th August at this e-mail address: mludwiczek@wzp.pl

Use the following application form! Registration BSSSC YE 2017



On 23rd May 2017 ‘Baltic Leaders’ joined the second ERB Executive meeting of this year. Baltic Leaders are 5 young people between 16 and 25 years old, selected as representatives of the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodship to take part in the LB-EME project (Baltic Leaders- Energy of the Young Europe). The aim of this project, ideated by ERB to contribute to “European integration and development of contact and cooperation between societies”, is to increase the access to knowledge, related to the international cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region. The promotion of this plan has been going on in the Youth Leadership Council of Warmińsko- Mazurskie Voivodship Youth Council since April. (more…)

The Interreg Baltic Sea Region Monitoring Committee on 23-24 May 2017 decided that 39 new projects be approved in the frame of the Programme’s second call for proposals.
The 39 projects have been chosen among 71 projects submitted, and they can be considered as the continuation of 35 projects implemented in the first call.
EUR 87 million have been allocated from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to support these projects, whose well embeddedness in the thematic fields of innovation capacity, natural resources management, and sustainable transport, will contribute to a better innovative, connected and accessible Baltic Sea Region.

Here you can find the list of projects approved: List of approved projects in Baltic Sea Region 2nd call
More detailed information will follow at this link.

Cohesion in the Baltic Sea Area! is the title of a seminar tackling new ideas for successful rural and urban growth (also known as the rurban growth). The seminar is organised by the Informal Baltic Sea Group, a network representing circa 55 regional offices and organisations of the Baltic Sea Region in Brussels. (more…)

The EU fisheries ministers have agreed on next year’s fishing limits (TACs) for ten fish stocks of the Baltic Sea. These TACs were the first to be set in accordance with the long-term management plan for the Baltic basin that had recently been adopted by the Council and the European Parliament. (more…)

The 7th Strategy Forum of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) will be hosted by Sweden together with the Nordic Council of Ministers and in close cooperation with the European Commission. The Strategy Forum will be held on 8-9 November 2016 at the Brewery Conference Centre in Stockholm, Sweden.

The overall thematic focus will be the future of the Baltic Sea Region and a desired vision for 2030. The Strategy Forum will be used to discuss how the EUSBSR can or should contribute to a desired development within its three objectives: Save the Sea, Connect the Region and Increase Prosperity. A strong emphasis will also be placed on the agreed sub-objectives of the EUSBSR.

More than 50 sessions and seminars will gather key persons and drivers of change from business, politics and civil society to contribute to a vision for 2030. From the economic state of the Region to the environmental state of the Baltic Sea, from digital markets to youth social entrepreneurship. You will find more information about the agenda if you click here.

It is now possible to register to the 7th Strategy Forum of the EUSBSR, One Region, One Future – Vision 2030 for the Baltic Sea Region, and the 18th Baltic Development Forum Summit on 8 and 9 November in Stockholm, Sweden.

You can register via internet by using this link.

More information about the event is available here

On 23rd July 2016 the winners of the Maritime Education Programme contest “How do we see the Baltics Sea” began their summer cruise around the Baltic Sea. (more…)

The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the Managing Authority or the Joint Secretariat of the South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The project UMBRELLA is partly financed from the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund.