
Baltic Sea Labour Forum Annual Report and online meeting

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, almost all countries have got decisions cancellation of travels and all kind of meetings, which also affected the BSLF Round Table event planned to be held in St. Petersburg 26-27 of March. Please, be informed that both the BSLF Round Table and the Conference were postponed and we met on 15th June 2020 online to discuss the latest BSLF developments. Ms Magda Leszczyna-Rzucidło, Head of the ERB IPS, took part in the meeting on behalf of the Euroregion Baltic.

The Annual Meeting of the CBSS Coordination Group on Labour and Employment dedicated to the reporting on the progress of the ESF funded Project “BSLF for Sustainable Working Life (SWL)”

Baltic Sea Labour Forum coordination group members (Labour Ministry, employer/employee & trade org representatives) met today to discuss COVID-19 impact on the #labour market & the progress of the “Sustainable Working Life” project. More about the project

15th of June 2020, 13.00 – 15.00
Welcome words and introduction Daria Akhutina, CBSS, Head of Priority Area

Tour de table

Participants are invited to brief on current developments in the field of labour and employment in their countries/organisations (5-7 min each)

  • Ministries’ representatives
  • BSLF’ representatives (employer’ organisations and trade unions)
  • Strategic partners: NFS/BASTUN, BSPC, EUSBSR PA Education, NDPHS
    Report from the SWL Project’ team Josefina Halme, Project manager
    Sonia Buchholtz, TWG (1) leader
    Reetta Maria Raitoharju, TWG (2) leader
    Discussions on the Report and Policy briefs from the TWG’ members
    Summing up and the way forward

Please read the latest BSLF documents:

Please see below the list of the BSLF Round Table participants:

Meeting 15th of June, 13.00 – 15.00 CET


Daria Akhutina

Josefina Halme

BSLF’ founder

Franz Thoennes

Ministry, Finland

Lippe Koivuneva 

Ministry, Lithuania  

 Inga Liubertė       

Ministry, Poland           

Konrad Karolak

Konstancja Piątkowska
Anna Pamerska

Ministry, Russia

Olga Korchemkina

Alexander Ugolin

Janna Vorobyeva

Elsa Nahatinova

City Administration, St. Petersburg

Dmitry Cherneyko, Nikolay Rogachev

Ministry, Latvia

Imants Lipskis (TBC)

Ministry, Sweden

Inger Wijkström (TBC)

Confederation of Employers, Denmark

Christiane Miβlbeck-Winberg

Polish Confederation of employers Lewiatan

Sonia Buchholtz

Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia

Maria Grinnik

Natalia Klimova

Nikolay Blokhin

 Trade Unions, KTR, Russia

  Igor Kovalchuk

Trade Unions DGB, Germany

Uwe Polkaehn

Siglinde Hessler

Employer Organisation NORDMETALL, Germany

Hans Manzke

RSPP, Employer confederation Russia

Natalia Hoffmann

NFS/BASTUN Secretariat

Magnus Gissler

Jenny Tabermann

Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference (BSPC)

Pyry Niemi

Bodo Bahr

EUSBSR, Policy Area Education

Anders Bergstrom

Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being

Silvija Geistarte

 Euroregion Baltic, Secretariat

 Magda Leszczyna-Rzucidło

European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

Jader Cané (TBC)

Trade unions, Belarus

Siarhei Antusevich

The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the Managing Authority or the Joint Secretariat of the South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The project UMBRELLA is partly financed from the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund.