
Citizen Participation through HomeParliaments – new initiative starts soon

Euroregion Baltic is happy to support the European HomeParliaments project. From September 19th until November 1st, we will together enable several thousand citizens to participate in European politics.

As a supporting partner, Euroregion Baltic and Association of Polish Communes of Euroregion Baltic together with local partner commits to spreading posts on our social media about the European HomeParliaments campaign running between 19th Sep and 1st Now 2020.

Website : The most important page for the project is: https://homeparliaments.eu/pl/ .
And you can learn more about the initiative here:

EU politics needs citizen participation

Invite friends and acquaintances round and get involved in a lively discussion about the political decision-making process on the future of Europe. From 19 September to 1 November 2020.

What are European HomeParliaments?

The concept

With the European HomeParliaments we want to enable civil society commitment to Europe right there where opinions are first formed: at the kitchen table, when eating together with friends and acquaintances – simply at home or in a café,  in the park or at your regular get-together.

HomeParliaments offer an innovative and effective method of civil participation that serves to improve legislative processes through a coordinated exchange of information between voters and political decision-makers. Anyone who is interested and has a constructive opinion on European policy issues can participate and influence political decisions.

This process is therefore particularly suited to connecting the citizens of the European Union and the political decision-makers in Brussels in a constructive way. This is how citizens can contribute on a small scale to the big picture.

Join in and organise

A HomeParliament is where 4 to 8 people meet up to discuss and then answer a given European question. Pulse of Europe provides all the necessary material, as well as input for different lines of argument.

From now on, the European HomeParliaments can also be organised via video link.Become a hostl

1. Register

Register here on the website and you will receive a confirmation email from us. We will send you all further documents. That’s all you need to organise your HomeParliament.

2. Invitations

Now you can invite three to seven friends and acquaintances to your European HomeParliament. You can also consider inviting people with different opinions in order to encourage a lively discussion!

3. Host the European HomeParliament

And there you go; you can now hold your European HomeParliament! It usually takes two hours. The documents guide you through the discussion and your answers are recorded on the question sheet. It’s like a game night.

4. Send in the results

Upload the results of your European HomeParliament to the platform.

EU politicians respond

We summarize the results of all HomeParliaments in several European countries and hand them over to the feedback partner. They will comment on the results in a digital format and we will invite you and all participants to this discussion.

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The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the Managing Authority or the Joint Secretariat of the South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The project UMBRELLA is partly financed from the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund.