
Interreg South Baltic Workshop Session on The European Week of Regions and Cities 2019!

Dear Partners and Friends,

On behalf of the Interreg South Baltic Programme Joint Secretariat Team, we are forwarding an invitation to their Workshop Session on The European Week of Regions and Cities 2019!

JS are organizing this workshop together with the Interreg Italy-France (Maritime) Programme, which will give all of us the opportunity to exchange across our regions.

What we offer you in our workshop

Smaller regions and cities with the support of Cooperation Programmes have co-developed joint solutions together with strong innovation-oriented actors such as universities, incubators or science and technology parks in cross-border cooperation.

After achieving many valuable results we are not at the end of this journey. In group work, all participants of the workshop will identify future challenges in their home regions. All participants will be invited to join the discussions and contribute their own experiences, future challenges and possible ideas.

The results from the discussions will be presented to the Programming Committee creating the next Programme Period 2021-2027 of the Interreg South Baltic Programme.

Please find more information and the workshop’s program here on our website.

Please find the program as well attached to this email.

Registration available here.

Important! Create your EU Login before registering! (Click on EU Login in the upper right corner of the EURegionsWeek’s website.)
As there are limited seats on the Workshop Session, we recommend registering as soon as possible! We recommend making travel arrangements as soon as possible, as prices are rising.

We recommend registering as well for other sessions, as this year’s program of the EURegionsWeek is very interesting!

For more information contact the JS Team!

Joint Secretariat  |  Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014 – 2020

Al. Grunwaldzka 186  |  80-266 Gdańsk, Poland

Tel: +48 58 746 38 55 |  Fax: +48 58 761 00 30

Email: southbaltic@southbaltic.eu | www.southbaltic.eu

Cooperation for blue and green growth-01

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The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the Managing Authority or the Joint Secretariat of the South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The project UMBRELLA is partly financed from the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund.