
CTCC – Where the Innovation Prototyping Journey Ends and The Future Begins: CTCC Creative Broker Network

WHAT: Please register for the CTCC Final Conference – Final Digital Workshop within the EU Interreg Project CTCC – Creative Traditional Companies Cooperation part-financed within the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020. The project gathers together multi-level policy actors from academia & research, creative and traditional businesses, policymakers, intermediaries that work together since 15th July 2017 towards improving creativity and design-driven innovation capacity in – SMEs – as the backbone of our regional, national and EU economy, which enable sustainable and customer-driven growth and shared value creation and capturing opportunities.

WHEN: Tuesday, 12th January 2021 von 09:00 UTC+01 bis 12:00 UTC+01

WHERE: ONLINE, the link will be sent to registered participants only.

HOW: Precondition to take part: stable Internet connection and any device needed, like smart phone, laptop.

WHY: To learn best practices from the South Baltic Sea Region on traditional industry SMEs innovation driven by cross-sectoral collaboration with Creative Industries and cross-innovation. By showing tangible results – innovation prototypes developed for traditional sector SMEs – the CTCC project envisages avenues and possibilities for SMEs to contribute to the so-called Blue & Green Growth in the region and in the EU as well as to facilitate regional development through increased innovation capacity of all participating companies, interdisciplinary learning and multi-cultural experience sharing across borders, disciplines and cultures.

WHO: Everybody is welcome who feels that creativity and creative skills are the next competitive wave and sustainable future driving forces.

Register using this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeVCw8QAIKdqsvCtFqHTDrxfFHcd7NYcJcHgdFKHtwpdzkUPQ/formResponse

Three years have passed since Umbrella was approved by INTERREG South Baltic Programme and launched by the partnership. This project was needed since research showed that the South Baltic Programme was still poorly available to small organizations because of insufficient institutional and financial capacities, communication barriers, lack of English language skills, lack of competencies and capacities for project development and implementation. What observed in the frame of the South Baltic Programme could be generalized also for other European grants and other local cross-border cooperation opportunities in the South Baltic Sea area. The overall objective of the project was to initiate a process of the capacity building involving small municipalities, NGOs and other local/ regional organizations in order to transfer the knowledge and capacities and to include them in the current cross-border cooperation networks. Today we can finally state that we’ve achieved over expected results.

On 2nd December the final conference of the project was held online as an engaging webinar. Short videos alternated to partners’ introduction and presentation of the results with a look to the future and Umbrella 2.0 that will be launched in 2021. This conference aimed to be also a moment of awareness-raising on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, Sustainable Development Goals and their achievements in the Baltic Sea Region, and the EU Green Deal- a roadmap for the upcoming years.

To conclude, some hints about the future South Baltic Programme and EU programming period were provided. With the fantastic moderation of Mr Maciej Kautz, we can say that we eventually concluded a great project that, as stated many times, is just the beginning. The seeds have been planted, the process has been started and we are confident that with our contribution cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region will be strengthened. Umbrella aimed at becoming a brand in the region, recognized for its replicable toolbox of tailor-made solutions. Well, we have done a great job.

So, what to expect for the near future? For sure an awareness-raising event, “Meet-your-flagship” activities to connect with the EUSBSR, webinars on project management, training on SDG, EUSBSR and EU Green Deal to really engage local actors and connect them with the strategic levels of cooperation. We look forward to getting started and have you all on board!

Dear Umbrella Partners and Beneficiaries,

We are more than happy to say, that our UMBRELLA Interreg South Baltic Programme project final conference was a great success. Over 100 people joined us online via ZOOM webinar to hear about our project results, to learn about the EUSBSR, SDGs and EU Green Deal, but also to discuss the future cooperation possibilities in the MFF 2021-2027.

You can find below all the presentations given by our fantastic speakers.

And here’s a visual summary of the event:

We also hope you enjoyed the 4 video clips summarising our project! You can check them again here:

Finally, if you missed any part of the event or would like to watch it once more you have the opportunity to see all 3 sessions here:

Some screenshots from our meeting:

Dear Umbrella’s beneficiary,

On behalf of the Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Baltic as Lead Partner of Umbrella Project and on behalf of the whole project partnership, we would like to invite you to our final conference. Three years have passed since Umbrella was approved by INTERREG South Baltic Programme and launched by the partnership. This project was needed since research showed that the South Baltic Programme was still poorly available to small organizations because of insufficient institutional or financial capacities, communication barriers, lack of English language skills, lack of competencies and capacities for project development and implementation.
What observed in the frame of the South Baltic Programme could be generalized also for other European grants and other local cross-border cooperation opportunities in the South Baltic Sea area.
The overall objective of the project was to initiate a process of the capacity building involving small municipalities, NGOs and other local/ regional organizations in order to transfer the knowledge and capacities and to include them in the current cross-border cooperation networks. Today we can finally state that we’ve achieved over expected results and we would
like to share them with you.

Register now using this link  bit.ly/Invitation_Final_Conference

See the agenda here:

UMBRELLA- Boosting cross-border cooperation capacities of small actors in the South Baltic Sea


2.12.2020 (on-line) 10.00 – 15.00 CE


Dear Umbrella’s beneficiary,

On behalf of the Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Baltic as Lead Partner of Umbrella Project and behalf of the whole project partnership,

We want to invite you to our final conference.

Three years have passed since Umbrella was approved by INTERREG South Baltic Programme and launched by the partnership.

This project was needed since research showed that the South Baltic Programme was still poorly available to small organizations because of insufficient institutional and financial capacities, communication barriers, lack of English language skills, lack of competencies and capacities for project development and implementation. What observed in the frame of the South Baltic Programme could be generalized also for other European grants and other local cross-border cooperation opportunities in the South Baltic Sea area.

The overall objective of the project was to initiate a process of the capacity building involving small municipalities, NGOs and other local/ regional organizations to transfer the knowledge and capacities and to include them in the current cross-border cooperation networks.

Today we can finally state that we’ve achieved over expected results and we would like to share them with you.

On 2nd December 2020, we invite all Umbrella partners and stakeholders, small and local South Baltic beneficiaries to join us and celebrate the final project event.

We will present our project events & activities. But as promised, Umbrella was only the first step for something bigger, and we would like to anticipate that we will have an Umbrella 2.0 in 2021.

Therefore, to prepare for the next year, you can expect also:

a solid portion of knowledge on EUSBSR and SDGs – how to align them better with your daily work and start new cross-border cooperation activities;

  • Future of the interregional cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region 
    • Plans for the EU’s MFF 2021-27
    • Hot topics for cross-border cooperation
    • Inside information about the end of the Interreg South Baltic Programme.

We will also organize an interactive session where you can give your input on the future Programme perspective & proposed objectives!

The event will be held online using the platform: ZOOM Webinar

Please register using this link: https://forms.gle/2QoqcpbkvZoLkkzy9

On 2nd December 2020, we invite all Umbrella partners and stakeholders, small and local South Baltic beneficiaries to join us and celebrate the final project event.

What to expect?

  • Summary of our project events & activities with comments from Umbrella partners, associated partners and beneficiaries;
  • A solid portion of knowledge on EUSBSR and SDGs – how to align them better with your daily work and start new cross-border cooperation activities;
  • Future of the interregional cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region
    • Plans for the EU’s MFF 2021-27
    • Hot topics for cross-border cooperation
    • Inside information about the future of the Interreg South Baltic Programme.

We will also organize an interactive session where you can give your input on the future Programme perspective & proposed objectives!

Save the date in your calendar now!

2nd December 2020 at 10.00 am – 15.30 pm CET

The event will be held online!

Registration starts next week, we will post the registration link on our website and social media!

Make sure to check our website: www.umbrellaproject.eu and follow us on social media to get the latest updates!

Dear Friends,

Due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 and the pandemic situation we decided to postpone the Umbrella project final conference that was planned on 18-19th May in Gdańsk, Poland. We hope that the event will take place in fall and we will let you know the exact date as soon as we confirm the new dates.

Please stay safe and all the best from Umbrella and Euroregion Baltic Team!

The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the Managing Authority or the Joint Secretariat of the South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The project UMBRELLA is partly financed from the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund.