
Input on the future of the South Baltic Programme given by the Umbrella beneficiaries

Interreg South Baltic Programme seeks to stronger involve local, regional & non-governmental stakeholders as well as academia in the programming process. Euroregion Baltic, a Lead Partner of the ”Umbrella – Boosting cross-border cooperation capacities of local actors in the South Baltic Sea” project decided to become an active part of this process. Between October and December 2020 ERB/Umbrella project organised:

  1. Four thematic focus group workshops

•Blue & green growth

•Energy transition & connectivity

•Sustainable & innovative tourism –and cultural heritage

•Building civil & more inclusive society

  • Umbrella project final conference on 2.12.2020 with a panel called: South Baltic Programme – Future. Speakers:
  • Niels Chresten Andersen, Regional Municipality on Bornholm

Introduction of the panel. South Baltic programme 2021-27 – state of art

  • Dominika Butkiewicz, Head of the Joint Secretariat of South Baltic Programme

Proposed Priority Axes and specific objectives of the next Interreg South Baltic Programme

  • Anna Drążek, Director of the Pomorskie EU Office in Brussels, ‘Pomorskie in the EU’ Association
  • Jens Masuch, GA-MA Consulting

Input on the future of the South BalticProgramme given by the Umbrella beneficiaries summary – report

  • Direct consultations with the representatives of the Council of Non-Governmental Organizations of the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship (ROPWWM) and request to provide their written feedback

Organisations actively involved in the process – their representatives took part in the 4 thematic focus group workshops:

1. BMUC Innovation & Development, Member of the Offshore Center Bornholm, Denmark

2. Energy Agency for Southeast Sweden, Sweden

3. Municipality of Västervik, Sweden

4. Symbiosis Kalundborg, Denmark

5. Baltic Tech Park, Klaiped, Lithuania

6. Warmia and Masuria University, Centrum Biogospodarki i Energii Odnawialnych (CBEO), Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie, Poland

7. Pomorskie Voivodeship, Economic Development Department, Energy Efficiency office, Poland

8. Baltic Institute for Regional Affairs, Gdynia, Poland

9. Western Ships Agency (legal name in Lithuanian language UAB ,,Vakarų laivų agentai”) , Lithuania

10. Gate 21, NGO, Albertslund, Denmark

11. “Pomorskie in the European Union” Association, Gdańsk, Poland

12. Klaipeda Association of Communities, Lithuania

13. Roskilde University, Denmark

14. Municipality of Kalmar, Sweden

15. Municipality of Guldborgsund, Denmark

16. Kalmar County Museum, Sweden

17. New Competence Center., Gdańsk, Poland

18. Netport Karlshamn , Sweden

19. Rotorwerk, consulting company, Germany

20. European Solidarity Center Gdansk, Poland

21. DIALOG Association, Poland

22. Water Users Partnership Oskarshamn, Sweden

23. Kalmar County Administrative Board, Sweden

24. Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IOPAN), Poland

25. Gdansk Water (Gdanskie Wody sp. z o.o) , Poland

26. Voivodeship Fund for Environmental Protection & Water Management in Olsztyn, Poland

27. Masuria Entrepreneurship Agency, Poland

28. Leibnitz Institute of Farmed Animals Biology, Dummerstorf, Germany

29. Linneus University of Kalmar, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Sweden

30. Region Kalmar County, Sweden

31. Municipality of Karlskrona, Sweden

32. Oskarshamn Municipality, Sweden

33. Bornholms Museum, Denmark

34. Museum Lolland-Falster, Denmark

35. Baltic Sea Cultural Centre, Gdańsk, Poland

36. Tourism Associiation Vorpommern, Germany

37. The Coastal Union Germany (EUCC-D), Germany

38. University of Gdańsk, Poland

39. CSE Światowid, Elbląg, Poland

40. CittaSlow cities, Olsztyn, Poland

41. Pomorskie Tourism Board, Gdańsk, Poland

Do you have a concrete project idea that you would like to submit in upcoming call for proposals? Umbrella project gives you the opportunity to “Rent-an-Expert”!

How does it work?

A pre-selected Expert will support you in assessing and developing a complete project application in your organisation:

  • Providing information on the application procedure
  • Tailoring project ideas
  • Helping to find partners
  • Developing part of the application- Budget
  • Developing part of the application- Description of the activities

All you have to do to apply for this service is to fill in the project framework we prepared for you (you can download it below). Your project ideas will be collected and categorized; later on, the most suitable expert from our “Pool of experts” will be assigned to your organization and single meetings for project development will be scheduled.

Download our Project idea form

If you would like to apply to receive Umbrella’s support, please fill in the form  Umbrella_project_idea  and send it by email to the Umbrella’s partner competent for your territory: http://umbrellaproject.eu/partners/

N.B.  We do not substitute the EU Programme’s Contact Points. We do not only provide consultations, but we aim at transferring knowledge to help our stakeholders to become independent in future cross-border cooperation.

The EcoDefense, an NGO based in Kaliningrad, is looking for partners, possibly Nordic NGOs, for a project aimed to study and protect the tree avenues of Kaliningrad region, to be submitted to the NGO Support Program of the Nordic Council of Ministers.

The project is to strengthen civil environmental rights through protection of an important element of our common historical, natural, and cultural landscape, the avenues, through cooperation and good practices transfer by Nordic, Baltic, Polish and Kaliningrad NGOs.

The avenues, or green corridors of Europe, are lines of trees by sides of roads and streets. They present European rich natural and cultural heritage and need to be cared now and preserved for future generations. With their aesthetic, environmental, and economic values, the tree-lined avenues form a living environment for the local communities, serve as an essential element of road infrastructure, and provide valuable ecosystem services.

Unique for Russia, in Kaliningrad region, the avenues are an important and recognizable feature of region’s landscape that belongs to history and nature of the area. They are an integral element of regional identity that connects past and present generations living on this land. Presently, Kaliningrad avenues have no legal protection and are exposed to destruction by regional authorities.

The project will study, adopt and implement skills and expertise of the Nordic countries, Baltic States, and Poland in the field of the avenues protection and regulation to help to develop a legal avenue protection base as well as give Kaliningrad activists necessary cross-border support and mobilize awareness rising cultural, social, and planting initiatives. The project will strengthen cultural landscape protection and build the capacity of NGOs in countries involved.

The project application will be submitted to the NGO Support Program of the Nordic Council of Ministers. The deadline for submissions is October 15, 2017. The program does not require co-financing by the project partners. Only nongovernmental organizations are eligible as project partners under the program.

More information about the project:

Partner search letter from Ecodefense

Project summary from Ecodefense

The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the Managing Authority or the Joint Secretariat of the South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The project UMBRELLA is partly financed from the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund.