Olsztyn, 25-26th May 2017. The branch of Polish Society of Economic (Polskie Towarzystwo Ekonomiczne Oddział w Olsztynie), sited in Olsztyn, organized with the University of Warmia and Mazury the All-Poland scientific conference “Methodology of youth work in NGOs and youth councils in Poland and other European Union countries in economic, legal and social terms.” During the meeting, Euroregion Baltic Youth Board has been presented by one of its members, Dawid Jędrzejak, representative of the Warmińsko-Maurzskie Region (Poland). ERB Youth Board can certainly be taken as a valid example of cooperation that strives for more targeted youth policies, exchange opportunities, and the promotion of education. ERB Youth Board, that could not be better represented by someone who works for it, is currently working on two new projects: Baltic Leaders and Erasmus +.
For more information about Youth Board’s actions, you can follow the Facebook page @EuroregionBalticYouthBoard