In order to celebrate its 20th anniversary, on February 14-15, 2018 Euroregion Baltic is going to organize two days long series of meetings and officially launch SB YCGN and Umbrella. SB YCGN (South Baltic Youth Core Groups Network) project focuses on the cooperation of different actors, like local and regional authorities, universities, NGOs, etc. in the field of youth questions. youth participation in decision making on the local level and strengthen the capacities of local and regional actors in the South Baltic Programme area in youth policy and sustainable development. The project has the ambition to create a cross-border network with joint capacity building events, based on analysis and research of partner countries with following the international participatory campaign. UMBRELLA aims at developing know-how capacities for small local and regional organisations in the South Baltic Programme area to initiate their active participation in the cross-border cooperation in daily activities.
Both to be held at the Old Town Hall (ul. Stary Rynek 25, Elblag) on Wednesday 14th at 9.00, the kick-off meetings will see the participation of project and associated partners with the aim of discussing the overall objective, purposes, targets, results and activities to be carried out. To coordinate the meeting: Sebastian Magier – Project Coordinator and Valentina Scandola – Umbrella Project Manager; Małgorzata Samusjew – Project Coordinator and Marcin Zuchowski – SB YCGN Project Manager along with Agnieszka Limanòwka, Joint Secretariat’s Project Officer.